Sunday 6 October 2019

wbk9311 Celebreties, celebrations and jewels2. improved version mov

It’s pretty late in
the morning and the morning after the design fair as I head out to the Tim
Hortons for my first meal of the day. Half-heartedly I drag my portfolio with
work to the coffee shop and hope that this time I’ll be able to accomplish
something. luckily for me, after a little bit of coffee and a good sandwich, I
come up with his film featuring a book about art and anime. The video was taken
directly from our famous Tim H. right down the street.

wbk9914 Vision Boards and Hot Celebrities (New and Improved version)

This has clearer sound than a recent work video with a different name). It’s pretty late in the morning and the morning after the design fair as I head out to a breakfast donut shop for my first meal of the day. Halfheartedly I drag my portfolio with work to the local eatery and hope that this time I’ll be able to accomplish something. luckily for me, after a little bit of coffee and a good sandwich, I come up with his film featuring a book about art and anime. The video was taken directly from our famous, nearby, and affordable coffee shop right down the street.

wb999 Dog Eared Sketchpad and Pumpkin Lattes. new and Improved

K. V. Fabian, A Right Now artist, dares to go into her much-neglected archives and is just now
cleaning up a most beautiful sketchbook dated 1993. This is a period when the
artist was immersed in a world of both high culture and extreme poverty. At the
time The artist always carried a sketchpad. This  sketchpad is full of sensitive, moving
drawings and deep and often poignant thoughts recorded in the artist's own

afm X19. Autumn Leaves: New City 2015

Autumn Leaves: New City  September to November 2015 An Art Fabian Company Exhibition in the Valuable Gallery Second Floor, H...